Nottingham Bitcoin

Bitcoin Nottingham

The Nottingham Bitcoin meetup scene just got better with the merger of two groups.

Several years ago a Bitcoin Nottingham meetup was started, but after Covid hit the group went very quiet. A second all new group was set up in 2022 to continue the meetups in Nottingham, but recently the two groups organisers have joined forces to create one bigger and better Bitcoin meetup group. Going forward they plan to host a monthly meetup for Bitcoiners to socialise and chat and the opportunity for local Bitcoiners to network and meet other enthusiasts.

To keep up to date with the latest news and meetup dates their details are below:




Nostr: npub1w4as69ddnfr8x5lul5nqzz9pf45073p4cdgdvlhcmzn8jk7szrdqlgzqm5