Penzance Bitcoin

The Dolphin Tavern Quay Street, Penzance, United Kingdom

📅Thursday, 16th May @ 8pm 📍The Dolphin Tavern, Quay Street, Penzance, TR18 4BD - we'll meet in the 'little room' at table 21. Agenda: ✅8-9pm beginners Q&A; ✅9pm topic for discussion tbc.

Penzance Bitcoin Meetup

The Dolphin Tavern Quay Street, Penzance, United Kingdom

📅Thursday, 25th April @ 8pm 📍The Dolphin Tavern, Quay Street, Penzance, TR18 4BD - we'll meet in the 'little room' at table 21. 🗣️Agenda: ✅8-9pm beginners Q&A; ✅Deep dive: Self-custody

Penzance Bitcoin

The Dolphin Tavern Quay Street, Penzance, United Kingdom

Penzance Bitcoin will be at the Dolphin Tavern on Thursday 21st March, 8 pm.